Are you a movie watcher? How about movies that are also video games? You said yes to one of these questions and no to the other. Did you now at this moment more than a hundred producers are contently at work thinking up new movies. However, the majority are video games already. More people are waiting to see their favorite video game become an action, horror, cartoon, or a comedy movie. More than 100 movies will be released from now to 2021. That blows my mind. Yes, I’m into video games, however, I don’t really want them to become a movie.
Is it a good idea or not?
Some people think this is a great idea nevertheless, it can backfire. Because, a game has great rating does not mean a motion picture of it will have the same rating. There are many things to think about before a game it changed into a motion picture. Something to think about are who is the lead charter, co-stars, location of the set and more. The lead Actor will help in rating, however, it’s not always true. The other problem is getting the plot to match. Yes, we know how the game needs, however, the movie may not end the same way. In the game, we can get extra lives and power-ups how does that take place in the film?
The Top Five.
Below is what I consider to be the top five films. I have to say it was kind of hard to pick, nevertheless, I did.
1-Lara Croft: Tomb Raider-Angelina Jolie rocks in this movie. I feel her character in the movie is her off-screen self. She is always looking into the unknown. The unknown cannot stop her from discovering the tombs of long ago in this action film.
2-Resident Evil (Biohazard as known in Japan) is a great motion picture to watch if you are into zombies and horror. I was on my seats edge the whole time as I watched.
3- Silent Hill- Looking for your lost child in a creepy town is scary. Some say this is a great horror film. I believe it depends on what you call horror. For me, the game was a little better.
4-Need for Speed (NFS)-Are you into fast cars, crime, and action? Was yes your answer. Then you need to see this one. It’s on the same bases as Fast and Furies’ without all the sequels.
5-Max Payne-is about a man who is out to find the person or persons that killed his kid and wife. The film has lots of great surprises. I choose this one as the number five only because I could not have two for the same number.
That’s the top five I have chosen. I feel this is going to be the new phase for a while. There are many video games that are becoming movies in the future. Keep your eyes open and you see your favourite game on the big screen soon. Best of luck to all the readers of this article.
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